
How do we fund the vision for the Trust?

Like many trusts before us, a major issue is access to funding sources. 

No one funding source is likely to be sufficient to achieve our vision.  It is likely that we will look to a combination of:


Donations – Whanake is a registered charitable Trust CC56530.  All donations result in a tax credit to the donor GST#: 129-049-499


Fund-raising campaigns potentially using on-line platforms. Campaigns work best when fund-raising towards a specific project and goal.


Philanthropic working with Philanthropic trusts or wealthy private donors who believe in what we are doing.


Grants from grant providers. This includes government and community trusts or similar. Typically grants fund research, specific initiatives or assets. Almost none contribute to general operational funding. Grantors like to see something tangible as a result of the funding, so we will need to work through what this might look like.


Government contracts – for example, to deliver Innovation and Research Hubs, wrap-around services alongside ECE, undertake consulting contracts, delivery of new supply ECE under a contract. 


Social enterprise business models that generate profits that are directed into the Trust.


Borrowing – some lenders are starting to look for opportunities where they can link interest rates (or returns) to non-financial as well as financial KPIs.  Related to this are “Social Impact Bonds” by equity investors seeking to diversify investment portfolios.  This type of “funding” typically needs to be repaid, although some may provide suspensory loans which may be forgiven in certain circumstances.


New forms of government funding as these emerge.  For example, if the government announces new types of subsidies which we could be eligible for, via the Trust.