Whanake Trust Deed
Why did we decide to establish a new Trust entity to sit alongside Daisies Early Education & Care Centre?
The Whanake Education Trust Deed states that the purposes of the Trust are:
To advance education by fostering innovation and excellence in early childhood education, through research, support, development and collaboration.
Undertake such other charitable purposes as the Board of Trustees may decide.
This is a very broad definition, but in essence our vision is to: Make a difference for future generations.
We want to do this by:
Engaging with all Aotearoa-New Zealanders to deliver quality ECE for all children, that helps them succeed at school and in life; and
Shining a light on best practice in ECE to understand what makes the most difference, working with Daisies as a lighthouse of good practice.
Continuing to support women’s participation in the workforce, recognising that ECE is a key enabler, and that increasing women’s participation and advancement benefits Aotearoa-New Zealand’s future prosperity and wellbeing.
Over the medium to long term our objectives, working alongside Daisies, are to:
Genuinely engage the community in the delivery of high quality ECE, so that it is recognised as of equal importance as good housing, health, and schools.
Increase the awareness of the benefits of (quality) ECE so that governments do not question the value of increasing funding.
Raise professional awareness of how children learn, what good teaching looks like and what makes the most difference for children as they move on to school and beyond.
Understand (through research and otherwise) what else is necessary, adjacent to and complementing ECE, to make the most difference for children.